1 / 50
Which register used as a scratchpad?
2 / 50
What is the standard form of USART?
3 / 50
The last 96 locations in the internal data memory are reserved for general-purpose data storage and stack.
4 / 50
The applications of ARM processor are ______
5 / 50
The ARM processors are _______
6 / 50
The 8051 can handle ________ interrupt sources.
7 / 50
The statement LCALL READ passes control to the line labelled READ.
8 / 50
Which of the following instructions will load the value 35H into the high byte of timer 0?
9 / 50
Which register contains the status information?
10 / 50
The special function registers are maintained in the next 128 locations after the general-purpose data storage and stack.
11 / 50
Which of the following file extension that is loaded in a microcontroller for executing any instruction?
12 / 50
Which of the following should a microcontroller at-least should consist of?
13 / 50
Which register used as an operand register?
14 / 50
What is the internal Vref of an Atmega32 series?
15 / 50
Which one is the bit addressable register?
16 / 50
When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter points to the first program instruction in the:
17 / 50
In reduced instruction set computer architecture the number of instructions involved is _______
18 / 50
The 8051 has ________ parallel I/O ports.
19 / 50
This program code will be executed continuously:STAT: MOV A, #01H JNZ STAT
20 / 50
Which register provides the status and control information about the serial port is _________
21 / 50
The microcontroller is useful in systems that have no variable programs for dedicated applications.
22 / 50
An alternate function of port pin P3.0 (RXD) in the 8051 is:
23 / 50
MOV A, @ R1 will:
24 / 50
Which register provides control and status information about counters is ________
25 / 50
This statement will set the address of the bit to 1 (8051 Micro-controller) SETB 01H
26 / 50
Which of the following is an 8 bit register?
27 / 50
The following command will rotate the 8 bits of the accumulator one position to the left: RL A
28 / 50
The following program will cause the 8051 to be stuck in a loop:Â LOOP: MOV A, #00H JNZ LOOP
29 / 50
30 / 50
Which of the following pins of a microcontroller are directly connected with 8255?
31 / 50
The 8255 is a ______ chip.
32 / 50
What will happen in that condition, if an interrupt occurs while the microcontroller is serving any other interrupt?
33 / 50
A label is used to name a single line of code.
34 / 50
The total external data memory that can be interfaced to the 8051 is:
35 / 50
The receive buffer of the serial data buffer is a_______
36 / 50
The address space of the 8051 is divided into four distinct areas: internal data, external data, internal code, and external code.
37 / 50
Which of the following commands will copy the contents of location 4H to the accumulator?
38 / 50
The designs of a centigrade thermometer and a PWM speed-control circuit can be implemented by the 8051.
39 / 50
Which of the following commands will move the value at port 3 to register 2?
40 / 50
How many transistors do very large-scale integration IC’s require?
41 / 50
Which register is used for accessing the external data memory?
42 / 50
The 8051 has ________ 16-bit counter/timers.
43 / 50
Data transfer from I/O to external data memory can only be done with the MOVX command.
44 / 50
Which of the following commands will copy the contents of RAM whose address is in register 0 to port 1?
45 / 50
What is the difference between the 8031 and the 8051?
46 / 50
Which of the following bits are used for setting the data frame size?
47 / 50
The following program will receive data from port 1, determine whether bit 2 is high, and then send the number FFH to port 3:
48 / 50
The number of data registers is:
49 / 50
Microcontrollers often have:
50 / 50
In which duplex the data is transmitted in both ways at the same time?