Online Assessment Platform




1 / 50

The file extension that cannot be accessed by Autocad

2 / 50

The function of a polar array is to create object

3 / 50

To bring a particular area of the workspace in focus what command should be used

4 / 50

How many layers a drawing should have?

5 / 50

fillet in various corner can be created simultaneously using which command

6 / 50

What does associative hatch

7 / 50

A line 15 mm in length inches at 75 degrees to the x- axis can be represented as

8 / 50

in auto cad, keyboard shortcut ctrl+0  is used to

9 / 50

what is the command to mirror the drawing to different location in auto cad

10 / 50

What file format does AutoCAD use for saving drawings?

11 / 50

What is the difference between command Plot and Print

12 / 50

A line shows its dimensions as 14.52 .

what is the precision of this line

13 / 50

How will you deselect an object while you are selecting set of objects?

14 / 50

How would you select set of objects in a drawing?

15 / 50

Which of the following is NOT a unit of length measurement?

16 / 50

what is the shortcut for zoom command

17 / 50

what is the minimum allowable no. of layers is an autocad drawing

18 / 50

A polar array creates new objects____

19 / 50

which command convert discreate object in polyline

20 / 50

How many AutoCAD objects are in a rectangle?

21 / 50

origin of the auto cad drawing space is

22 / 50

A object can be obtained from a block by using

23 / 50

Is 330 degrees same as -30 degrees in a drawing?

24 / 50

is there any difference between command plot and print

25 / 50

Fillet command can be used to obtain_________

26 / 50

A fillet command is used to produce

27 / 50

What is the difference of two regular 8-gonon, which is one inscribed and another  circumscribed circle

28 / 50

the input devices in CAD can be divided into

29 / 50

Scaling objects make them______

30 / 50

What is the function of the OSNAP command in AutoCAD?

31 / 50

a polyline can be broken into individual line and arc using which of the following command

32 / 50

Polar coordinates are used mostly for drawing_____

33 / 50

If you  change the scale list a project that I have started from 1:50 1:10 then

34 / 50

What does AutoCAD stand for?

35 / 50

Where should you pay attention when you are working with autocad commands?

36 / 50

What does the command Wblock

37 / 50

If during the CCW measurement result gives an angle 135 degrees, the same CW angle measured is

38 / 50

what is the special character for Φ in autocad

39 / 50

How long will a line from 0,5 to 5,5 be ________

40 / 50

How many points do you need to define for the rectangle command?

41 / 50

How many SNAP points does an object have?

42 / 50

which of the following options can not be used to represent a line

43 / 50

Objects are rotated around the

44 / 50

shortcut for trim command is

45 / 50

the short key of the circle

46 / 50

Give the full form of CAD

47 / 50

in autocad 2d modelling, which axis is not accessible for drafting

48 / 50

The origin of a drawing is at

49 / 50

what is the default design workspace in auto cad 2022

50 / 50

to turn on or turn off the ortho mode in autocad, which of the function key is used