Online Assessment Platform




1 / 50

Which thread is executed in the background?

2 / 50

What is a set in Java?

3 / 50

What is the use of the intern() method?

4 / 50

Which keyword is used for accessing the features of a package?

5 / 50

In java, jar stands for_________

6 / 50

Which of these is a property of threads in Java?

7 / 50

Which of the following is an immediate subclass of the Panel class?

8 / 50

Which of these is a non-access modifier?

9 / 50

Multithreading in java is _______________

10 / 50

An interface with no fields or methods is known as a ______________

11 / 50

In which process, a local variable has the same name as one of the instance

12 / 50

Which of the following is true about the anonymous inner class?

13 / 50

What will be the output of the following Java code?

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(Math.copySign(100.6, -200.6));

14 / 50

What is the full form of AWT?

15 / 50

What is the default encoding of OutstreamWriter?

16 / 50

Which of the following is a reserved keyword in Java?

17 / 50

Which of the following sorts the elements were inserted?

18 / 50

Which of the following methods is used to extract the length of a stringin Java?

19 / 50

Which method in Java is used to get the name of the running Java VM?

20 / 50

Which Java method is used to detect the OS in which the Java program is being run?

21 / 50

What do you mean by nameless objects?

22 / 50

Which Java keyword is used to access the features of a package?

23 / 50

Which method is used to convert radians to degree in Java?

24 / 50

In which memory a String is stored, when we create a string using new operator?

25 / 50

What is meant by the classes and objects that dependents on each other?

26 / 50

Which Java method is used to clear the element of ArrayList?

27 / 50

Which of these is not a valid Boolean method in Java?

28 / 50

Which of the following is a marker interface?

29 / 50

Which of the following option leads to the portability and security of Java?

30 / 50

What is boolean in Java?

31 / 50

Which option is false about the final keyword?

32 / 50

_____ is used to find and fix bugs in the Java programs.

33 / 50

Which escape character is used for word character in regex?

34 / 50

What is a map in Java?

35 / 50

Empty interface in Java is called?

36 / 50

The trim() method in Java used to ______________

37 / 50

Which of the following is not a Java features?

38 / 50

What are packages in Java?

39 / 50

Which method in Java is used to check for NaN values?

40 / 50

The result of dividing by 0 in Java is _____________

41 / 50

Which of the following is false?

42 / 50

Which of these classes are the direct subclasses of the Throwable class?

43 / 50

What are regexes in Java?

44 / 50

What do you mean by nameless objects?

45 / 50

Which Java method is used to get the version of running java VM?

46 / 50

Jar in java stands for ____________

47 / 50

Which package contains the Random class?

48 / 50

Which Java method is used to add all of the specified elements to thespecified collection?

49 / 50

What do you mean by chained exceptions in Java?

50 / 50

When a finally block executed in Java?