Online Assessment Platform




1 / 50

Which of the following is correct about WDTCTL?

2 / 50

The ARM processors are _______

3 / 50

What is the difference between the 8031 and the 8051?

4 / 50

How many transistors do very large-scale integration IC’s require?

5 / 50

Why are opt isolators normally used between the microcontrollers and the ULN2803?

6 / 50

An alternate function of port pin P3.0 (RXD) in the 8051 is:

7 / 50

Which of the following microcontroller doesn’t match with its architecture below?

8 / 50

Which of the following is the basic functions of a timer?

9 / 50

When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter points to the first program instruction in the:

10 / 50

What is the internal Vref of an Atmega32 series?

11 / 50

The vector address of the external interrupt 0 is ________

12 / 50

The special function registers can be referred to by their hex addresses or by their register names.

13 / 50

In reduced instruction set computer architecture the number of instructions involved is _______

14 / 50

Which of the following pins of a microcontroller are directly connected with 8255?

15 / 50

Which of the following is an 8 bit register?

16 / 50

The vector address of the external interrupt 1 is ________

17 / 50

Which of the following steps have to be followed for interfacing a sensor to a microcontroller 8051?

18 / 50

The following command will copy the accumulator to the location whose address is 23H: MOV 23H, A

19 / 50

Why are ULN2803 normally used between the microcontrollers and the relays?

20 / 50

What will happen in that condition, if an interrupt occurs while the microcontroller is serving any other interrupt?

21 / 50

The total amount of external code memory that can be interfaced to the 8051 is:

22 / 50

Which of the following file extension that is loaded in a microcontroller for executing any instruction?

23 / 50

The number of data registers is:

24 / 50

To improve the efficiency of an MSP430 based microcontroller, for one register

25 / 50

Which of the following commands will move the value at port 3 to register 2?

26 / 50

The 8255 is a ______ chip.

27 / 50

Which of the following devices are specifically being used for converting serial to parallel and from parallel to serial respectively?

28 / 50

Which register provides control and status information about counters is ________

29 / 50

When the microcontroller executes some arithmetic operations, then the flag bits of which of the following register are affected?

30 / 50

Does 8255 have handshaking capability?

31 / 50

The following command will rotate the 8 bits of the accumulator one position to the left: RL A

32 / 50

To interface external EPROM memory for applications, it is necessary to DE multiplex the address/data lines of the 8051.

33 / 50

Which of the following should a microcontroller at-least should consist of?

34 / 50

Which one is the bit addressable register?

35 / 50

The designs of a centigrade thermometer and a PWM speed-control circuit can be implemented by the 8051.

36 / 50

The ADC0804 has ________ resolution.

37 / 50

What is the standard form of USART?

38 / 50

A HIGH on which pin resets the 8051 microcontroller?

39 / 50

The contents of the accumulator after this operation MOV A, #2BH ORL A, 00H will be:

40 / 50

Which register provides the status and control information about the serial port is _________

41 / 50

What is the function of this instruction “WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTCONFIG”, where **#define WDTCONFIG (WDTCNTCL|WDTSSEL)**

42 / 50

The I/O port that does not have a dual-purpose role is:

43 / 50

Which of the following instructions will move the contents of the accumulator to register 6?

44 / 50

Which of the following architecture is followed by general-purpose microprocessors?

45 / 50

Which of the following bits are used for setting the data frame size?

46 / 50

The applications of ARM processor are ______

47 / 50

In which duplex the data is transmitted in both ways at the same time?

48 / 50

An alternate function of port pin P3.0 (RXD) in the 8051 is:

49 / 50

Which of the following bit/s of the status register that allows the microcontroller to operate in its low power mode?

50 / 50

An alternate function of port pin P3.1 in the 8051 is: